Tuition, Fees, and Refunds

Policy Type: 



I. Policy Title: Tuition, Fees and Refunds

II. Who Does This Policy Affect?

All HFC students

III. Purpose:

To ensure an understanding of how tuition, fees and refunds are determined.

IV. Policy Statement

Community Colleges in the State of Michigan receive general operation revenues from three primary sources: State Aid appropriated by the Michigan legislature, local property taxes assessed against property within the district of the community college, and tuition and fees paid by persons attending the community college to receive academic credit or credentials. In conformance with State law, Henry Ford College assesses tuition per credit hour to students attending the College and participating in credit based classes.

A. Tuition Rates and Fees

  1. The Board of Trustees may establish tuition rates for credit classes for in-district, out of district, out-of-state/international.

  2. The Board of Trustees may establish differential tuition rates for courses that are more costly to offer due to reduced class size requirements, expensive equipment needs, or other factors. The Board of Trustees grants to the President the authority to set registration, infrastructure, service, technology investment, course, lab, excess contact hour, student activity and other fees as may be determined. A schedule of fees shall be posted on-line. An explanation of fees may be found below under Related Documents by clicking on the link. The President will apprise the Board of all fee changes.

  3. Dual Enrolled students will be charged according to state guidelines. However, the Board of Trustees may, upon the recommendations of the President, establish a separate tuition rate for dual enrolled students when attending classes held at their local district or when the local district provides the instructor. This rate may be inclusive of all fees, considering the costs incurred by the local district when holding college classes on its premises.

B. Tuition Freeze Guarantee

Henry Ford College guarantees that tuition rates will be frozen for students who graduate from HFC within four years of initial enrollment. Any tuition increase levied by the College during those four years will be refunded to the student upon graduation.

To qualify for the tuition freeze program, a student must complete all course work at HFC, graduate within four successive years of initial enrollment, and apply for a tuition rebate after graduation. Students who receive financial aid, except for loans, are not eligible for the program.

Further information regarding the Tuition Freeze Guarantee may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.

C. Residency Review

Please refer to the College’s Residency Policy with regards to residency status.

The College will not retroactively grant residency nor will tuition adjustments be permitted for previously attended semesters.
Residency must be validated each term.

D. Change of Address
The effective date of any address change for purposes of determining residency status must be at least three months prior to the start of the semester for which the change in residency status is being sought. The three-month residency status will be effective beginning in the Spring 2018 semester

E. Requirements for Withdrawal

Students have the ability to drop courses without penalty through the first 7 days (including the first day of class) of a full (Fall and Winter) semester. For abbreviated semesters (Spring and Summer) students have the ability to drop courses without penalty for 2 days (including the first day of class). No grade is issued for dropped courses during the non-penalty phase of the add/drop period. Please see below under “Related Documents” for a link to the College’s Tuition Appeal Form.

F. Refunds

Please see below under “Related Documents” for links to the College’s Academic Calendar and Tuition Appeal form.

V. Definitions

Tuition rates shall be established by the Board of Trustees for the following categories:

  1. In-District rate: A student who has a permanent address in the Dearborn School District for at least three months immediately preceding the first day of classes. The three-month residency status will be effective beginning in the Spring 2018 semester.

  2. Out-of-District rate: A student who resides within the State of Michigan and outside of the Dearborn School District.

In addition, an individual using Military educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty Program), Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation) Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill), recipients of Chapter 35 (Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program) and/or Chapter 1606 of Title 10 U.S.C. (Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve) and or recipients of the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship, who resides outside of the Dearborn School District will be charged as an Out-of-District resident regardless of his/her formal state of residence. Effective July 1, 2024, Students who are citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or the Republic of Palao shall be charged this out-of-district resident’s rate.

In addition, an individual who would otherwise be classified as “International”, who is enrolled in a degree or certificate program, and who has submitted official U. S. Department of Homeland Security documentation to the HFC International Student Services Office confirming that they have been granted “Temporary Protected Status (TPS)” by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security shall be charged as an “Out-of-District” resident as long as their TPS designation remains in effect.

  1. Out-of-State/International rate: Any student whose legal residence is outside of the State of Michigan.

These tuition rates shall be applied to the total number of course credit hours selected each semester by student enrollees.

The President or designee may adopt procedures to implement this policy.

VI. Responsible Party for Administration and Enforcement

President of the College
Vice President of Financial Services

VII. Related Documents

Explanation of Basic Fees


Financial Aid

Tuition Appeal Form

Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Form

Residency Policy

Academic Calendar re Refunds

BILLS-118hr4366enr.pdf (
In-State Tuition and Title IV Eligibility for Citizens of the Freely Associated States | Knowledge Center

VIII. Policy History

a. Board Approval Date: May 20, 2019
b. Previous Revision Date(s): February 20, 1995; February 19, 2018
c. Previous Policy Section(s): Finances; Previous Policy No(s). 2000, 2030 and 2050


_____________, 2024 - updated out-of-district rate language to include the federated states
December 19, 2019 – added TPS language
May 20, 2019 to change definition of Out-of-District rate due to changes in Michigan Public Law 115-251;
February 19, 2018 to change In-District Residency to 3 months;

This policy supersedes and replaces any and all policies related to this subject

Board Approved