Student Newspaper

Policy Type: 

I. Policy Title: Student Newspaper

II. Who Does This Policy Affect

HFC students and campus community

III. Purpose

Henry Ford College supports the publication of a student-run newspaper. The student-run newspaper will provide students a public forum for the free exchange of ideas, guided by the principles of a free press in a democratic society.

IV. Policy Statement

Henry Ford College through its appropriate administrative, academic, and student agencies supports the publication of a student-run newspaper, governed by the Student Newspaper Board.

The Student Newspaper Board shall establish the governing standards of the student-run newspaper. Additional procedures may be implemented by the Student Newspaper Board provided the procedures are consistent with the Student Newspaper Constitution.

The Editor has authority over the content of the student newspaper, “The Mirror News.” The Editor is advised by the College’s Faculty Publications Liaison. The Faculty Publications Liaison is guided by the College Media Association’s Code of Ethics for advisers and teachers. The Editor is guided by the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics. The Editor reports to the Student Newspaper Board per the Student Newspaper Constitution.

The College assumes no liability for the content, opinions, or editorial statements or any other printed materials of the student run newspaper. The student publication is expected to adhere to professional journalism standards. The content and opinions expressed in the student newspaper are not the opinions or position of the College, unless specifically stated by the College in the article or opinions.

Students who work on the newspaper may receive instruction from faculty and earn academic credit per the College’s academic policies. The role of faculty in the teaching of students who work on the newspaper is defined in the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Student Newspaper Constitution

Faculty who teach newspaper internships and co-ops shall be at the direction of the Vice President of Academic Affairs or his/her designee, and in accordance with any applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement(s). The Faculty Publications Liaison for the student newspaper shall be in accordance with any applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement(s).

V. Definitions

Professional Journalism Standards: These standards comprise principles of ethics and of good practice as applicable to the specific challenges faced by journalists.

VI. Responsible Party for Policy Interpretation/Review

Vice President of Student Affairs
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Vice President of Human Resources

VII. Related Documents

Student Newspaper Constitution

Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics

College Media Association Code of Ethics

VIII. Policy History

a. Adopted by Board: June 25, 1995
b. Previous Policy Section: Students; Previous Policy No. 8400

March 22, 2022 – Reviewed with no changes.
January 16, 2018

This policy supersedes and replaces any and all policies related to this subject

Adopted Date: 
Sunday, June 25, 1995
Revised Date: 
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Board Approved