Relations with Educational Institutions and Organizations

Policy Type: 
Public Relations

I. Policy Title Relations with Educational Institutions and Organizations

II. Who Does This Policy Affect

All HFC Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, students, vendors/contractors and visitors to our campus

III. Purpose

It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that strong lines of communication be maintained by the College with other institutions and organizations that provide College students with programs, training, or services not available through the College.

IV. Policy Statement

The President/designee(s) may enter into such cooperative ventures with school districts, other institutions of higher learning, private/nonprofit corporations or associations, or other organizations for the purpose of providing programs or resources that correlate to the College's curriculum and help students better accomplish educational outcomes.

Before the President/designee enters into any agreement that will have a substantial affect of the use of the College resources or will require extraordinary expenditures such as overseas travel, or substantial use of College resources, the President shall advise the Board, and if necessary, seek the Board’s approval.

V. Definitions


VI. Responsible Party for Administration and Enforcement

Director of Marketing and Communications

VII. Related Documents


VIII. Policy History:

a. Adopted by Board: February 20, 1995
b. Previous Policy Section Public Relations; Previous Policy No. 7050


February 20,2023 added additional language regarding overseas travel
March 16, 2020 - placed in new policy format and additional changes.

This policy supersedes and replaces any and all policies related to this subject

Adopted Date: 
Monday, February 20, 1995
Revised Date: 
Monday, March 16, 2020
Monday, February 20, 2023
Board Approved