Disposition of Property

Policy Type: 

I. Policy Title: Disposition of Property

II. Who does this policy affect?

Board of Trustees, President, HFC Community

III. Purpose

The Board of Trustees believes that the efficient administration of the College requires the disposition of property no longer necessary for the maintenance of the educational program or the operation of the College.

IV. Policy Statement

The President will get authorization from the Board prior to the sale of real property.

The President or designee will follow the guidelines for the disposition or sale of property as set out below.

  1. Instructional Material

The College shall review instructional materials (i.e. textbooks, library books, manuals, support materials, etc.) periodically to determine the relevance of such materials to the current instructional programs. The following criteria may be used to review instructional materials for redistribution and possible disposal:

a. copyright date ten (10) or more years old
b. concepts or content that do not support the current goals of the curriculum or operations.
c. information that may not be current
d. worn beyond salvage
e. availability of more current editions of the same publication title

  1. Equipment, Furniture, and Vehicles

The College shall inspect equipment, furniture, and vehicles periodically to determine their condition and usability. Should the equipment be deemed no longer serviceable or useable, the following criteria may be used to determine possible disposal:

a. repair parts for the equipment are no longer readily available
b. repair records indicate the equipment has no usable life remaining
c. obsolete and no longer contributing to the educational or operation of the College.

The College has the authority to dispose of items which are outdated or obsolete, or are deemed to be no longer serviceable, usable, or cost-effective.

  1. Disposition

The President's designee is authorized to dispose of property by sale, donation, or proper waste removal. An annual report shall be provided to the Board identifying proceeds of salvage sale(s). Proceeds from all such sales shall be deposited in the general fund.

V. Definitions

Property: Property is defined as any item acquired by Henry Ford College to support its activities either through the General Fund, Grants, or other sources.

VI. Responsible Party for Policy Interpretation/Review

Vice President of Facilities
Director of Facilities

VII. Related Documents


VIII. Policy History:

a. Adopted by Board: February 20, 1995
b. Previous Policy Section: Property; Previous Policy No. 6250


December 9, 2024 – Approved by Board of Trustees

This policy supersedes and replaces any and all past policies related to this subject

Adopted Date: 
Monday, February 20, 1995
Revised Date: 
Monday, December 9, 2024
Board Approved