Academic Integrity

Policy Type: 

I. Policy Title: Academic Integrity Policy

II. Who Does this Policy Affect:

All HFC Students, faculty and staff

III. Purpose

To provide students, faculty, and staff with guidelines about what behaviors violate academic integrity expectations, and the process for addressing academic integrity problems.

IV. Policy Statement

Henry Ford College (HFC) expects all students to conduct themselves in an ethical manner in pursuing their educational goals and considers academic dishonesty to be a very serious offense. It is the professional obligation of the faculty to maintain academic integrity in their courses.

Academic dishonesty is any activity intended to improve a student's grade fraudulently. It includes, but is not limited to, the following:

A. Unauthorized acquisition of tests or alteration of grades;
B. Unauthorized use of notes, books or other prohibited materials during an examination, such as cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, tablets or any language translation device;
C. Open cheating during an examination;
D. Allowing or arranging for any other individual or technology to assume a student’s identity to participate in a class or complete assessments; place in the physical or online classroom, take the student’s exams, submit or complete an assignment on behalf of the officially registered student;
E. Providing and/or receiving unauthorized assistance with any work for which academic credit is received;
F. Revision of graded work in an attempt to receive additional credit fraudulently;
G. Plagiarism or using another person's work without acknowledgment; or,
H. Using artificial intelligence (AI) or other assistive technologies in an unapproved way to generate language or ideas that the student is expected to produce; or
I. Any other conduct intended to obtain academic credit fraudulently or dishonestly.

The assessment that a student has been academically dishonest and the resulting academic consequence for that action shall be a matter of individual judgment by the instructor, as outlined in this policy. The instructor may administer a penalty up to, and including, failure in the particular course, as stated in the syllabus.

If an instructor fails a student for academic dishonesty, the instructor will immediately notify, in writing, the student, Associate Dean (AD), and the Registrar of the infraction. The instructor and the College will retain copies of all documentation.

The Registrar will maintain a record of all such violations. If a student fails two classes as a result of academic dishonesty, the student will be dismissed from the College for two academic years. In addition, a notation of the reason for academic dismissal will be placed on the student's transcript. The notation may be expunged at the discretion of the appropriate Vice President. The student may petition for transcript notation removal after at least a two-year period has elapsed since their dismissal from the college.

If a student believes that the accusation of academic dishonesty is false, they may appeal through the Student Complaint Procedure.

V. Definitions

VI. Responsible Party for Interpretation/Review

VP of Academic Affairs
Faculty Organization

VII. Related Documents

Student Code of Conduct

VIII. Policy History

a. Adopted by Board: March 17, 1997
b. Previous Policy Section: Students Previous Policy No: 8500


March 18, 2024, changes approved by Board.
Approved by Board: November 15, 2021
Passed by HFC Faculty Organization on May 10, 2021

This policy supersedes and replaces any and all policies related to this subject

Adopted Date: 
Monday, March 17, 1997
Revised Date: 
Monday, November 15, 2021
Monday, March 18, 2024
Board Approved