6000 Facilities Planning

Policy Type: 

The Board of Trustees recognizes that careful, prudent planning is essential to the efficient operation of the College and that planning must be grounded on accurate data. In order to assure that future College facilities support the educational program and responds to community needs, the Board will prepare a capital construction plan and will revise those plans periodically thereafter. The plan shall include a thorough description and analysis of local and regional demographic factors which influence general population growth and enrollments.

In planning for the enlargement or modification of its facilities, the Board shall consider not only the number of students and citizens whose educational needs must be met, but also the physical requirements of the program it deems best suited to meet those needs. Each building and site shall provide suitable accommodations to carry out the educational program including provision for the handicapped, pursuant to law and regulation.

Adopted Date: 
Monday, February 20, 1995
Board Approved