Motor Vehicle Procedures


This procedure applies to all drivers of College Vehicles, as defined herein.


Authorized Driver
An authorized driver is one who meets all of the qualifications described in the “Authorized Drivers and Passengers” paragraph and has been approved by the College to drive College Vehicles.

Driving Permit
Written documentation issued by the College as evidence one has met all of the minimum driver qualifications and has been authorized to drive College Vehicles.

College Vehicle
Any motorized vehicle that is, or may be licensed for highway use and is owned, leased or rented by the College or for which the college is otherwise legally responsible. This includes unlicensed vehicles that are eligible for licensing, but are exempt because they are only used on campus.

Permitted Uses of Vehicles
College Vehicles are to be driven only by authorized College employees within the scope of their jobs for official College business. College Vehicles are not to be used for personal use. Exceptions are those vehicles which may be issued to personnel, who are on emergency call, 24 hour/7 day a week basis. These vehicles may be utilized for de minimis use; i.e. incidental stops of a personal nature, when traveling to and from work. Vehicles may also be issued to individuals as a condition of employment.

The following conditions are examples considered to be a misuse of College Vehicles:

  • Driving a College vehicle without authorization by proper College officials.
  • Driving without valid Michigan or other State operator's license of the appropriate class for the type vehicle being driven.
  • Permitting a person who is not a College employee to drive a College vehicle.
  • Engaging in unsafe practices, including failure to use and to ensure that all passengers use all available safety equipment in the vehicle being operated. Safety equipment includes seat belts and/or shoulder harnesses.
  • Falsification of travel logs, travel authorizations, defensive driver training program Certificates, accident reports, or other forms relative to the use of the vehicle.
  • Improper storage or parking of College vehicle.
  • Unauthorized personal use
  • Unauthorized transport of passengers other than persons directly involved with College business
  • Picking up hitchhikers
  • Transporting students for purposes other than College business or events and activities sponsored, supported and/or endorsed by the College.
  • Failure to comply with any law, regulation, or policy regarding the use of College vehicles, including the requirement to have satisfactorily completed a College approved defensive driver training course.
  • Transporting items/materials that are not related to University business other than personal items such as clothing and other travel necessities.
  • Transporting animals except for personal assistance animals.
  • Transporting any hazardous material including, but not limited to, chemicals, biological, and radioactive materials, unless approved by a Vice President, or designee.
  • Radar detectors or jammers are not allowed in College Vehicles.
  • Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages in a College vehicle are prohibited.

Employees misusing College Vehicles may be personally liable for damages to persons or property caused to third parties and the legal expenses of defense since employees act outside of the course and scope of their employment during the misuse. Employees who misuse are also subject to disciplinary action by the College.

Travel in Canada
College Vehicles may only be operated inside the United States, it’s territories and Canada. Prior to driving a College Vehicle in Canada, otherwise Authorized Drivers must complete additional training including a review of traffic laws and accident procedures.

Use of Personal Vehicle for College Business

Liability Insurance
If an accident occurs while a personal vehicle is being used for official College business, the Authorized Driver’s auto liability coverage is considered the primary coverage. If necessary, the College’s coverage may supplement the employee's personal policy as excess coverage.

Vehicle Physical Damage Insurance
The College provides no coverage for, and is not responsible for damage to a personal vehicle, even when used for official College business or other college purpose.

Motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, and similar vehicles may not be used to conduct College Business or for any other College purposes.

General Use Provisions

  1. All vehicle requests must go through your Division Office or your Director. Please contact your Associate Dean, Director or Assistant to reserve a vehicle. They will submit your request through SchoolDude. Reservations are on a first-come, first serve basis. Make reservations at least two (2) weeks in advance. Any reservation made less than 72 hours in advance may not be honored. The Athletic Department will have first priority in scheduling vehicles.
  2. The type of vehicle assigned will be predicated on the number of passengers and availability of the vehicle.
  3. Student organizations requesting the use of vehicles must have the approval of their advisor and must be accompanied by their advisor and/or a College employee.
  4. A Driver Information Form must be completed for all vehicle travel. No exceptions will be made.
  5. An Emergency Contact Form must be completed for all athletic teams and student groups before keys will be issued.
  6. Unless otherwise specified, all vehicles must be picked up and returned to the designated parking spaces in Staff Lot 1.
  7. Expenses incurred because of damage or excessive litter/debris will be charged to the GL code of the user/department.

Vehicle Pick-Up

  1. The operator will acquire a set of keys from Campus Safety.
  2. Indicate the starting mileage on the Vehicle Log.
  3. Inspect the vehicle for any damage and record on vehicle log prior to driving. Any damage/repairs will be charged to the user/department.

Vehicle Drop Off

  1. Vehicles will have a full tank of gas when the vehicle is dispatched and must be returned with a full tank.
  2. Park the vehicle in the designated parking spaces in Staff Lot 1.
  3. Inspect the vehicle upon return. Record any damage on the Vehicle Log. Any damage/repairs will be charged to the user/department.
  4. Record the vehicle ending mileage on the Vehicle Log.
  5. Secure the vehicle completely by locking all windows and doors. Turn off all lights, including all interior lights. REMOVE ALL TRASH FROM THE VEHICLE.
  6. Return keys and Vehicle Log to Campus Safety.

Authorized Drivers and Passengers
Only employees may be authorized to operate College Vehicles; students are not allowed to operate College vehicles. To become an authorized driver, a prospective driver must meet the Minimum Driver Qualification Criteria established herein and must obtain and retain a Driving Permit. Additionally, individuals who operate Personal Vehicles on College Business or for any other College purpose are required to meet the same Minimum Driver Qualifications.

Some College Vehicles, generally Public Safety or other specified vehicles, because of their nature and intended use, might be used to transport passengers other than those listed above.

Examples of non-authorized passengers include,

• Spouses or Significant Others (with the exception of the College President)
• Family members
• Pets
• Any passenger not on official business

Nothing in the section shall be construed to prohibit the use or occupancy of a College vehicle when rendering emergency aid or assistance to any person, or the use or occupancy by private sector mechanics or repair personnel in the course of performing required maintenance or repairs.

Trip Cancellations
Vehicles will not be dispatched if roadways are unsafe for passage because of inclement weather. If the college is closed due to an inclement weather and/or emergency situation, vehicles may not be dispatched.

Driver Provisions

Minimum Driver Qualifications & Requirements
Only drivers that meet all of the following criteria may be authorized to operate College Vehicles. An Authorized Driver shall become unauthorized when he/she no longer meets Minimum Driver Qualifications. If operating a College vehicle is an essential function of an employee’s job, the employee may be subject to discharge if they no longer qualify to operate College Vehicles under this rule.

Without exception, any person operating a College Vehicle must meet the following requirements:

1. Minimum Age– No less than 21 years of age.

2. Driving Experience– No less than 5 years.

3. License Requirement- A valid driver’s license, issued in the United States. The license must be appropriate for the type of vehicle the driver is seeking authorization to operate.

4. Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Review– Any driver seeking to operate a College Vehicle must submit his or her driver license information and sign an authorization to allow the College to access the driver’s MVR.

5. No major violations in past five years.

Examples of major violations include:

  • Manslaughter, negligent homicide, or other felony involving use of a motor vehicle.
  • Operating under the influence of liquor or drugs.
  • Failing to stop and give identification at the scene of a crash.
  • Reckless driving.
  • Unlawful bodily alcohol content of 0.08 or more.
  • Refusal to take a chemical test.
  • Fleeing or eluding a police officer.
  • Drag racing.
  • Operating while visibly impaired.
  • Under age 21 with any bodily alcohol content.
  • 16 mph or more over the legal speed limit.
  • Failure to yield/show due caution for emergency vehicles.
  • Careless driving
  • Failure to stop at railroad crossing.
  • Failure to stop for a school bus or for disobeying a school crossing guard.
  • Open alcohol container in vehicle.
  • Suspended drivers license (except if due exclusively to unpaid tickets).

6. No more than one minor violation in past 12 months or two minor violations in the past 36 months.

Examples of minor violations include:

  • Disobeying a traffic signal or stop sign or improper passing.
  • 11 through 15 mph over the legal speed limit.
  • 10 mph or less over the legal speed limit.
  • Any other violation for which the State of Michigan charges 2 points or less.

7. Training Requirements– Prior to operating a College Vehicle, every authorized driver is required to complete a Driver Orientation program which includes a review of applicable policies and procedures, driver responsibilities and accident procedures.

8. Physical Limitation or Restrictions– Any person operating a College Vehicle must have the physical ability to do so without endangering themselves, their passengers, other motorist, pedestrians or any other person or property. Any restrictions (i.e., corrective lenses, not operating after dark, special controls, etc) indicated on the license of an Authorized Driver must be followed, without exception. The Campus Safety Office and Human Resources Department will provide assistance for matters involving employees where a reasonable accommodation might be needed to assure the safe operation of a College vehicle.

9. Passenger Vans– Drivers operating a passenger van rated for a capacity of 9 or more persons (including driver) must complete the training program designed to address the unique hazards of passenger vans and some of the common driver errors that lead to accidents.

10. Towing – Any individual who will be towing a trailer while operating a College vehicle for College business or for any other College purpose must be an Authorized Driver who either has towing experience or has received at least two hours of behind-the-wheel towing instruction from another Authorized Driver experienced in towing a trailer. Instruction shall include the proper use of mirrors, backing, turning, lane changing, and other maneuvering techniques.

Driver Responsibility

1. Traffic Laws and Requirements

An Authorized Driver may be assessed for the loss or damage of a College vehicle if the loss or damage was caused while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or reckless driving. Authorized Drivers are required to observe all traffic regulations, and are personally responsible for any citations or fines.

2. Attention on Driving

A driver must not engage in any activity that would distract from the safe operation of the vehicle. This includes controlling the actions and activities of passengers to prevent distractions and to have the necessary focus on the safe operation of a vehicle. The driver should avoid eating, reading, use of a cell phone/text messaging device, or adjusting audio equipment.

3. Cell Phone Use

Cellular telephones should not be used while the vehicle is in motion unless it is absolutely necessary. The driver should rely on a passenger to make calls or pull off the road to a safe location to make a call. If cellular telephone use is necessary, the use of a hands-free device is encouraged.

4. Audio Equipment

Wearing audio equipment headsets/ear plugs while operating a vehicle is not allowed. The volume level of audio equipment must be kept at a level that allows the driver to hear traffic warning devices and oncoming emergency vehicles.

5. Alcohol Use

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on any vehicle owned by or under the control of Henry Ford College at any time.

Vehicle operators (drivers) and passengers are responsible for ensuring that no alcohol is carried onto any vehicle under their control. This includes but is not limited to, kegs, cases, cans, bottles, coolers, etc.

Should the consumption of alcohol become obvious to the driver, the vehicle must be stopped as soon as it is safe to do so, and all alcoholic beverages will need to be removed from the vehicle before the trip is continued. Failure of any passenger(s) to comply, or any additional alcohol use, will cause immediate cancellation of the trip with the driver returning the vehicle and passengers to campus.

Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed by the driver or passengers while in a College vehicle. This restriction includes limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages prior to operating a College vehicle for a period of time that any consumed alcohol would not impair the driver’s ability to safely operate a vehicle.

6. Accident Reporting

If the accident occurs on a weekend or holiday, report the accident to the Office of Campus Safety by noon on the following workday. If the accident occurred off campus, the department whose employee was involved in the accident is responsible for furnishing the Office of Campus Safety with a copy of the police report.

An accident reporting kit must be kept in each College Vehicle and all drivers should be informed of this.

7. Vehicle Inspection

Before operating the vehicle, the driver must confirm the critical equipment and operating features (i.e., engine, transmission, steering, defroster, brakes, tires, mirrors, lights, signals, wipers, horn, etc.) are functioning properly. If a vehicle displays a warning light or alarm, the vehicle should be taken out of service immediately until the problem can be identified and repaired or it can be determine if the vehicle is safe to drive to a location where repairs can be made. Any feature that renders a vehicle unsafe to operate shall be reported to. If a driver is uncertain how to check critical equipment, the driver should contact the Office of Campus Safety for training.

8. Vehicle Condition Reporting

Problems noticed by the Authorized Driver during inspection or while using the vehicle should be noted and reported to the Office of Campus Safety as soon as possible.

9. Backing a Vehicle

To avoid an accident while backing a vehicle, walk around the vehicle and confirm that backing up will not endanger pedestrians, other vehicles, other objects, or the vehicle being moved. Use both interior and exterior mirrors, checking both sides as backing occurs. Whenever possible while backing up a trailer, one person should be on each side to confirm the area is clear and to provide direction when backing – The driver must have clear sight of the people offering backing direction/assistance and they must never be in a blind spot or area where the view is obstructed.

10. Secure Cargo and Personal Items

Ensure the safe transport of materials and goods by securely fastening all loads, regardless of weight or height, to prevent rolling, pitching, shifting or falling. No one is allowed to physically “steady” the load while the vehicle is in motion. Tailgates are to be secured in an upright position before the vehicle or trailer is moving except when the load exceeds the length of the bed of the vehicle. Affix a red flag to the end of any load that extends beyond the end of the vehicle or if a load extends beyond the width of the vehicle. Extended or wide loads should never be transported during periods of darkness or limited visibility. Loads of loose materials such as sand, gravel, or trash should always be covered by a tarp or transported in an enclosed truck bed. If a vehicle is equipped with a load barrier to protect the driver and passengers from unsecured cargo, make certain the barrier is sound and kept in place when protection is needed.

11. Driver/Passenger/Occupant Safety

All occupants must be seated and secured with seat belts either designed and installed by the vehicle manufacturer or intended for aftermarket installation by a qualified mechanic. Any aftermarket seat installations must include a seatbelt that affords a similar level of protection as original vehicle equipment. Never allow a passenger to ride in the bed or cargo area of the vehicle, sit on the tailgate or sides of a truck bed, or allow passengers to extend their arms or legs beyond the vehicle while it is moving. Passengers may not ride in a trailer while it is being towed.

12. Non-Smoking

Smoking is not allowed in College Vehicles.

13. Weather Conditions

The driver must evaluate weather conditions and determine if it is safe to travel or if precautions are necessary such as reducing speed, increasing following distance, using headlights in limited visibility situations, etc. If necessary, a driver should cancel a trip, temporarily suspend travel or delay departure times to avoid dangerous weather conditions.

14.Travel Time & Distance

The driver should be rested and alert at all times when operating a College vehicle. Fatigue behind the wheel of an automobile is extremely dangerous and each driver must consider when rest breaks are needed or when driving responsibilities should be turned over to another approved and rested driver. The length of time behind the wheel before fatigue becomes an issue will vary by driver and may depend upon weather conditions, traffic, road conditions and the amount of rest prior to driving. At a minimum, a driver should consider taking a 15-20 minute break every 3-4 hours and avoid driving more than 10 hours without a rest period with at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

15. Vehicle Load

The vehicle shall not be loaded beyond the rated capacity (weight and/or number of passengers) and every passenger shall have a place where a seatbelt is available.

16. Violation of Policy

Any driver who drives a College Vehicle without being an Authorized Driver or who continues to drive a College Vehicle after being informed their Authorization to drive has been suspended or revoked, will be subject to the corrective action under applicable College policies and procedures. Such drivers will be deemed to be acting outside the scope of their employment and may not be covered by the College’s insurance policies. In the event of a claim or suit arising while driving on College business under these circumstances, the driver will not be indemnified. Drivers not in compliance with this policy may be denied reimbursement for rental vehicle and or mileage expenses.

17. Liability Insurance

College travelers renting a vehicle from an automobile rental company are normally covered by the primary insurance procured by the rental company for that purpose. College travelers should verify that liability insurance does cover the rental vehicle through the rental car company. If a liability claim exceeds the limits of coverage by the rental company or if there is no liability coverage provided by the rental car company, the College’s coverage may be applicable.

18. Physical Damage Insurance

Normally, the rental car company's insurance provides collision and/or comprehensive coverage for the rental car. Because rental car contracts vary from company to company, travelers are required to purchase a "Collision Damage Waiver" (CDW) for which they would pay a daily fee, usually ranging from $12 to $25 per day.

Management Responsibilities

  1. Policy Awareness
    The Office of Campus Safety shall provide every Authorized Driver with a copy of this policy and ensure they understand their obligation to operate a vehicle in a safe manner, comply with this policy, comply with traffic laws and practice defensive driving.

  2. Driver Authorization and Permits
    The Office of Campus Safety shall order driving records and perform other due diligence necessary to determine whether a driver meets the minimum requirements to become an Authorized Driver and issue driving permits to Authorized Drivers.

  3. Compliance Monitoring
    The Office of Campus Safety shall ensure that every driver meets the policy requirements and is properly authorized to operate a College vehicle. Ensure compliance with all training requirements. Maintain records of these activities. At least annually, the Office of Campus Safety shall recertify that each driver meets the minimum requirements as an authorized Driver. The Office of Campus Safety shall de-authorize any driver no longer qualifying and shall cancel their permit. Drivers violating this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with other College policies.

  4. Vehicle Maintenance
    Every vehicle must receive periodic maintenance and service as recommended by the manufacturer. Records of all maintenance and repair must be maintained.

  5. Vehicle Safety Checks
    Management [or appropriate dept] shall confirm that each driver has reasonable knowledge to perform required periodic safety checks.

Transportation for Field Trips

It is recommended that students provide their own transportation to and from field trip sites whenever possible. Alternatives are listed below in order of increasing risk to the College.

• Commercial Transportation - contact the Office of Campus Safety to arrange for buses,
• Car pools may be organized, however: all drivers must be state employees or identified College Volunteers and must be authorized to drive vehicles on College business.

12 & 15 Passenger Vans

No 15-passenger vans may be purchased, leased or rented as of the effective date of this program. All 12 passenger vans purchased, leased or rented shall be equipped with stability control (e.g. AdvanceTrac, Roll Stability Control-RSC, Stabili-Trak, and Electronic Stability Program-ESP) and anti-lock brakes. Currently owned or leased 15-passenger vans may be used for transporting no more than 10 (including driver) passengers or used to haul cargo. In addition to the other rules and guidelines contained in this program, the following guidelines should be considered:

  • The van shall be loaded with passengers seated in the most forward positions to keep weight behind the rear axle at a minimum.
  • All passengers must wear seat belts at all times while traveling.
  • No cargo may be secured and transported on the van roof.
  • Towing trailers is prohibited.

Rental Vehicles

  1. Car Rental vs. Mileage Reimbursement:
    Determine cost of rental vs. mileage reimbursement by using the Mileage Calculator spreadsheet.

    1. Complete the yellow highlighted section in the “Input Variables” box.
    2. After the required inputs are entered, the costs for mileage reimbursement and car rental are displayed in the “Calculated Results” box.
  2. If renting a vehicle is less expensive than mileage reimbursement, contact the College’s rental car provider, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, to make a reservation.

    1. Use Contract ID: XZ20J31 for all HFC vehicle rentals made through Enterprise or National Car Rental.
    2. Call the local branch to make a reservation, or use the nationwide toll-free number, or contact the Enterprise Business Rental Sales Executive if you are having trouble.
      • Local Branch:
        Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 23777 Kean St, Dearborn MI 48124, Tel.: 313-277-1122.
        Branch Hours: Mon – Fri, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Sat, 9:00 a.m. – Noon; Sun, Closed.
      • Nationwide Rentals: 1-800-736-8222.
      • Alternate Contact: Sharon Ingram, Business Rental Sales Executive, Tel: 248-426-1602
    3. Identify yourself as an employee of Henry Ford College, refer to Contract ID: XZ20J31, and provide your name and department. You will receive HFC contract pricing as well as full insurance protection as shown on the Mileage Calculator spreadsheet.
    4. Provide the Enterprise agent with the Pick Up Date, Return Date, and Vehicle Class desired. NOTE: The College expects that employees will rent vehicles from the Compact/Economy, Mid- Size/ Intermediate or Standard Classes only, unless permission is received in advance for an exception.
    5. Indicate where you would like to pick up and return the rental. Enterprise offers the following options:
      • At the Enterprise branch on Kean Street in Dearborn (one block south of Michigan Ave., between Outer Drive and Telegraph);
      • At an Enterprise branch that is close to your home;
      • At the College; or
      • At your home – Enterprise will pick you up from home and take you to the local branch to get the vehicle; after you return the vehicle to the branch, they will give you a ride home.
  3. Other program notes and information:
    1. Enterprise will direct bill the College for the rental; so, you should have no out of pocket expenses. However, you might be asked for your driver’s license and a credit card imprint on your first rental.
    2. You MUST sign and return the car rental agreement (pink form) to Accounts Payable upon your return.
    3. Rates are guaranteed as long as you have a reservation.
    4. If Enterprise is out of a particular vehicle on your pick up date, they will upgrade you to another class at no additional cost.
    5. Contract rates also apply to rentals made from National Car Rental, a subsidiary of Enterprise.
    6. RESERVATIONS SHOULD BE MADE AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE but Enterprise will make every effort to accommodate requests with 24 hour (or less) notice.
    7. Employees have the option of using their own vehicles for travel rather than renting, if they agree to be reimbursed at the total rental cost as determined on the Mileage Calculator spreadsheet.


Steps to Reserving and Using an HFC Vehicle

  1. All drivers must obtain a copy of their driving record from the Secretary of State office and provide it to the Office of Campus Safety (OCS) prior to reserving a vehicle. Secretary of State Offices can be found at Michigan Secretary of State Locator.

  2. Contact your division/department administrator or administrative assistant to request a vehicle through the Facilities Reservation website. If a vehicle is available, a confirmation email will be sent to the administrator/assistant.

  3. To pick up vehicle, go to the Office of Campus Safety located in Building N and complete the following steps:

    1. Driver must sign in and out on “Campus Safety Key Sign Out” sheet. Please note, vehicle keys will be issued ONLY to named driver on approved vehicle reservation.
    2. ONLY the authorized driver is allowed to operate the vehicle.
    3. A valid driver’s license and employee identification must be supplied; a copy will be kept on file.
    4. A list of all passengers and their emergency contacts are required; information will be kept on file in Campus Safety Dispatch Office.
    5. You will receive a Vehicle Use Log Book and keys.
  4. You will be required to perform a vehicle inspection and complete the Vehicle Inspection Form located in the Vehicle Use Log Book. A second inspection must be performed when the vehicle is returned.

  5. Drivers will receive and return the vehicle with a full tank of gas. Vans are to be parked at the back of HFC Parking Lot 1.

  6. You will be required to complete a mileage log for the vehicle; make sure you indicate starting mileage and ending mileage.

  7. Insurance, Registration and Road Service information is located in vehicle glove box; vehicles are insured by the College.

  8. In the case of an accident, please follow the steps in Appendix 2 “Steps to Follow after an Auto Accident.”

  9. All Vehicle Issues must be reported to Campus Safety. Campus Safety will notify Facilities personnel for appropriate follow up.

Appendix 1: Vehicle Safety Checklist **

**Appendix 2: Auto Information

This procedure supersedes and replaces any and all procedures related to this subject

Procedure Type: 
Adopted Date: 
Monday, September 18, 2017
Procedure Name: 
Motor Vehicle Procedures
Department Approved