Procedure to Standards of Conduct and Civility

PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to list some of the types of behaviors and actions that Henry Ford College considers unacceptable behavior from College members. This list is not an exhaustive list of prohibited behaviors, but it does provide the College community with additional guidance on the type of behavior that is considered unacceptable by the College.

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

• Failure to comply with HFC policies and/or procedures

• Failure to report non- compliance with applicable HFC policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or laws. The College will not retaliate against employees who report such misconduct, consistent with the State of Michigan's Whistleblower's Act.

• Failure to participate fully and honestly in an investigation related to HFC matters

• Violation of HFC’s Computer Systems Use Policy

• Acceptance of gifts from HFC vendors or customers in violation of HFC’s Conflict of Interest Policy

• Failure to follow prescribed safety procedures or rules; demonstration of negligent conduct resulting in actual or potential loss or harm

• Personal relationships between supervisors and subordinates as provided in the Conflicts of Interest, Nepotism and Outside Activities Policy.

• Falsification of documents or records, including records of time and attendance

• Fraud

• Misrepresenting or mischaracterizing any information related to HFC matters

• Holding oneself out as having authority to act on behalf of the College when you have not been specifically granted authority

• Speaking to or unauthorized contact with the media on behalf of the College without permission from HFC’s Media Relations Director

• Inappropriately accessing, being in possession of, and/or disclosing information which HFC has determined to be confidential, including student information

• Failure to follow instructions or other forms of insubordination

• Accepting HFC services without paying or without authorization, including HFC benefits

• Wasting time or loitering

• Irregular attendance, excessive absenteeism or tardiness, extending defined rest periods without permission, leaving work before the approved time or without authorization, or failure to report absences

• Violations of specific provisions of the law that relate to employment

• Acceptance of bribes, kickbacks, or payoffs in any form

• Interfering with HFC third party vendors

• Failure to report defective equipment or safety hazards

• Sleeping on the job

• Leaving the job without permission

• Working another job without authorization while on leave of absence, or during an unauthorized absence from HFC

• Failure to immediately report injury or accident

• Substandard quality, quantity, or timeliness of work

• Engaging in any conduct outside of the workplace which in any way compromises the ability of any employee to work within the HFC environment, including stalking other employees

• Excessive and/or unauthorized photocopying of non-HFC-related materials

• Using HFC resources, including copy machines, staff, etc., to support a personal business

• Conviction of a criminal offense or charged with an offense which may affect the public perception regarding one’s performance given one’s position or which may affect HFC’s public image

• Violent behavior that causes harm to a person or damage to property or causes fear for one’s safety or the safety of others. Examples of violent behavior include physical contact that is harmful and expression of intent to cause physical harm. Engaging in any form of violence including, instigating, failure to report, being rude, obnoxious, bullying behavior to threats of violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in the Henry Ford College community.

• Engaging in any form of harassment, such as racial, ethnic, or sexual harassment, or other types of harassment or bulling which are prohibited by law, which expose HFC to any liability, or which create a hostile work environment

• Use of inappropriate communication or improper language, including use of vulgarity and/or sexual innuendos

• Failure to maintain required licensure or other required credentials

• Failure to report loss or suspension of licensure or other required credentials

• Misuse, abuse, theft, misappropriation, or unauthorized use of HFC property or the property of other employees, visitors, contractors, or other persons related to HFC, or the attempt to do so

• Failure to timely and accurately complete required documentation

• Recording, including video or audio recording, any HFC employee or student without his/her prior authorization

• Causing excessive waste of time or materials

• Gambling on HFC property

• Defacing or damaging restrooms, rest areas, work areas, bulletin boards, or other HFC owned or leased facilities or property

• Borrowing College property without permission

• Engaging in horseplay or other behavior that is disruptive to the work place and/or interferes with others

• Permitting unauthorized persons to gain access to HFC property

• Unauthorized possession of a weapon while on HFC property, irrespective of whether licensed to possess such weapon

• Use, possession, and/or distribution of alcohol on College property or at College-sponsored events, unless previously authorized

• Use, possession, and/or distribution of illegal drugs on College property or at College-sponsored events.

• Being impaired due to use of alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, inhalants or other intoxicants while on College property or at College-sponsored events or while performing work for the College

• Inappropriately photographing HFC sites, property, documents, employees or students

• Unauthorized solicitation

• Using ones position to obtain favors from co-workers/students/vendors.

• Providing false information

• Fighting, threats, or intimidation

• Personal relationships between faculty and students currently enrolled in the faculty’s course.

Reporting Violations:

Violations of the Standards of Conduct and Civility Policy, including but not limited to the above list, must be addressed by the appropriate supervisor or by Human Resources. When a College community member’s behavior or actions deviate from expected standards of conduct, it is the responsibility of the manager, chair or dean who supervises the person engaging in the prohibited conduct to address the conduct.

If the unacceptable behavior or action is a lack of civility, it is the responsibility of the manager, chair or dean to work with the individuals involved to amicably resolve the inappropriate behavior so that all members of the College community can work together in a professional way. If the unacceptable behavior escalates to the point where it is reasonably believed that physical harm may occur (such as a lack of rational control over their behavior, escalating verbal abuse, or intimidating or threatening behavior), the manager, chair or dean should contact the Office of Campus Safety and Human Resources at:

Office of Campus Safety: 313-845-9630
Human Resources: 313-845-9820

This procedure is adopted: June 19, 2017

This procedure supersedes and replaces any and all procedures related to this subject

Revised Date: 
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Procedure Name: 
Procedure to Standards of Conduct and Civility