Filming at Henry Ford College
I. Policy: Filming at Henry Ford College
II. Who Does This Policy Affect
This policy affects anyone who wishes to film on the campus of Henry Ford College. This policy should be read by all College faculty, student, staff, employees, vendors and visitors to the Campus.
III. Purpose
This policy permits filming companies, crews and individuals to gain appropriate access to the Henry Ford College (“College”) campus without disruption to the normal functioning of the College in accordance with the following establish guidelines and obligations.
IV. Policy Statement
The College welcomes responsible filming by outside entities on its campus. To protect the College students, employees, the grounds and the normal business of the College, it is required that any outside entity and/or person wishing to film on the College campus must enter into a “Filming Contract and Location Release” contract with the College. Prior to engaging in any filming on the College campus, the requesting entity must first contact the College’s Office of Marketing & Communication (“MARCOM”) to discuss the film goals and requirements which will enable the College and filmmaker to determine if the campus is appropriate for the project. MARCOM will be the liaison on campus and will be the primary contact for anyone /entity wishing to use the College campus(es) for filming. Scripts must be presented to the College thirty (30) days in advance of the proposed filming date, with the portions of College scenes and script highlighted. Script approval from the College must be granted before a contract is signed. Any script changes or additions, including a title change, after approval is granted must be brought to the attention of the College liaison assigned to the filming entity/person for prior approval by the College.
Each contract will be reviewed on an individual basis and every contract shall include a Release of Liability for the College, its Board of Trustees and its employees. The contract may be modified with the consent of the Vice President of Financial Services, Executive Director of Marketing& Communications and the General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Services. All inquiries and questions are to be directed to MARCOM.
The College reserves the right to prohibit filming on its campus if, in its sole discretion, it determines that the script or requested activity is in conflict with the goals, values and mission of the College; that the script portrays the students and or faculty in an unfavorable manner; or, that it portrays higher education in a derogatory manner. The film as produced must be consistent in all material respects with the script of the film delivered to the College for prior review and approval.
The film may not display, reference or contain any signs, building names or other identifying characteristics of the College without the prior express written consent of Henry Ford College permitting such use.
Care of the College facilities is required while filming on the property to protect the grounds and property from damage. Compliance with all local, state and federal safety rules and regulations and College Policies is required. College Policies are available on line at (insert link) and may also be requested from the liaison.
The filming person/entity must receive all appropriate local, state and federal approvals prior to filming, if needed.
V. Definitions
“College campus” means all buildings, grounds and other space owned or operated by Henry Ford College including College owned or leased building space in locations other than the main Dearborn campus, such as but not limited to the East Campus.
“Filming” means the act of photographing, filming, videoing, digital imaging, or the transmission of visual or audio signals in any form, or in any format currently used or that may be used in the future, whether for live or delayed broadcast. This includes commercial and educational endeavors. News photography is excluded from the permit process.
“Shoot” means any filming activities taking place on the college campus, as defined in this policy.
“Location” means the specific area that is the venue for the Shoot.
“Documentary/Educational Filming” means an educational film is one for use in a classroom setting and made available to educators and students at no charge; a documentary is defined as a television or motion-picture presentation of factual, political, social, or historical event/circumstances which may be accompanied by narration but does not include editorializing or insertion of fictional matter.
Permits will be based on the following requirements, unless specifically waived or modified by MARCOM:
Specific date(s) and locations(s) are confirmed and approved by MARCOM.
Availability of College personnel, if required.
Certificate of Insurance, in a form approved by MARCOM must be received by MARCOM no less than ten (10) days prior to filming. The Certificate of Insurance shall include an Additionally Insured Endorsement, naming the College Board of Trustees, individual Trustees, and the College’s officers and employees, for the days of filming, load-in, and strike, a minimum of two business days prior to filming and/or load in. Insurance shall be at a minimum of $2 Million U.S. for all feature/television productions and a minimum of $1Million U.S. for all still photography producers. This general liability insurance must also cover any College- owned and/or maintained equipment regardless of ownership that is being used and proof of such coverage must be presented. Compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations is required, such as maintaining workers’ compensation coverage.
The application for the College Filming/Photography permit must be received by MARCOM prior to filming. The contract “Film Location Agreement and Release” must be signed by both parties prior to filming. Cancellation fees may apply.
Payment for all fees and services shall be made payable to Henry Ford College in a form approved by MARCOM and received prior to the commencement of filming.
The cost to the College for the proposed filming shall be determined by MARCOM and will include such costs as location rentals, staffing and college-supplied equipment or materials, and any other costs that the College may incur.
As a general rule, and subject to modification, the contracts for filming will include:
a. Production Filming. This applies to interior and/or exterior filming; large or small productions; includes film, TV, music video, commercials, and the charge is based on every day on site, including set up and break down day(s).
b. Still Photography
c. Documentary/Educational Filming
HFC, Dearborn Public Schools, or dual enrolled Students filming Work and/or HFC Faculty filming Work done for an educational purpose, directly related to, or in conjunction with, a current HFC course or Dearborn Public Schools course offering, will not be subject to campus filming charges provided that the filming is not for any personal or commercial purpose.
Student filming under this provision must be completed while the student is enrolled in the high school course, or enrolled in the HFC dual enrollment program. The high school student must present proof of student status and course description to receive a permit to film on HFC campus. If the Dearborn public high school student, or the HFC dual enrolled student, fails to meet any of these conditions, they will be subject to applicable filming fees.
All other terms and conditions associated with filming on campus apply to Students and Faculty members.
The Board of Trustees authorizes the President of the College, or his/her designee, to modify this no charge exception to filming on campus if student and/or faculty filming fees are necessary for the protection or for the preservation of campus facilities.
Filming may be denied and/or restricted. For example, but without limitation, filming is prohibited in classrooms or libraries during examinations and scenes may not be shot in classrooms in use for instruction without the prior approval of the faculty member. The College liaison will coordinate access and obtain permissions.
The filming entity/person shall be responsible for obtaining releases and authorizations from those depicted in the films to film them and use their likenesses in the film.
VI. Responsible Party for Policy Interpretation/Review
Director of Marketing and Communication
VII. Related Documents
• Standards of Conduct and Civility Policy
• Social Media and Cell Phone Use Policy
• Student Code of Conduct Policy
• Smoking Policy
• Drug and Alcohol Use Policy
• Dangerous Weapons Policy
VIII. Policy History
a. Adopted by Board: June 19, 2017
This policy supersedes and replaces any and all policies related to this subject